Belated Thanksgiving - (2006-11-24, 5:22 p.m.)

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Oh my gosh, I think I'm still full!

Mom, Dad and I had a huge meal (tonight is leftovers!) and then I had volunteered to work at the bar Thanksgiving night.

Lots of the locals brought down treats to me - pumpkin pie, some sort of cream cheese dip to dip graham crackers in, pumpkin bars, deviled eggs, and more! It was all delicious!

To top the night off, I was decended on by the entire serving/bartending staff from a larger local bar chain. Holy smokes was I busy! Lots of expensive alcohol and lots of the shot ski*. I betcha I filled up at least six shot skis for everyone. They took a ceiling tile down and filled it up with writing commemerating their experience at my bar and of course, I had to sign it too at their insistance! Then all us ladies lipsticked it up and kissed the tile by our names.

I bet I had 30 bartenders/servers there. They had to help me with some of the fancy shots that they wanted, but it was all good. Because there was no possible way to keep up for me, some of the guys were bringing empties up to the bar for me, helping take out trash (I filled a 55 gallon barrel with empties and that was just the beer before 11 PM!) and every round they would buy on the shot ski, the bartender was instructed to have one too. Uff-da acid indigestion...thank goodness for Tums!

So it was a wild and crazy night, I made a bunch of new friends. I handed out the number to the bar and because they kept saying that they loved it out here so much, I told them that generally I work Sundays and Mondays, which are traditional serving staff nights off...and to please come back again!

It's been my experience that others in the service industry are the best tippers. Last night in cash alone I came home with half my mortgage. I about wet my pants when I counted up my tips! It's all sitting on my dresser now in a pile...wonder how much I'll end up with after Saturday?

So yeah, it was a blast, even though I was there until 3 AM cleaning up!

*shot ski is an old cross country ski that has been painted white and has five holes drilled in it the size of shot glasses. It's got our bar name on it. I make five shots, put one in each of the holes, five individuals line up, I count "one, two, three, DRINK!" and the shot ski goes up in the air and the shots go down the throat. I've done one once. I got rather messy as if you don't drink fast enough (and I make big shots) as it goes all over your face and on your shirt. Sounds silly, but it's actually a lot of fun.

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