I should be packing - (2006-08-04, 10:26 a.m.)

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Here I sit.

I really should be finishing my packing. I dumped all the clothes that are "riding appropriate" into two suitcases last night, and jeans, undies, pajamas, socks and whatever else I might need.

I drug all kinds of things over to the couch so they don't get missed. My riding leathers, a fun leather jacket with flames on it, my riding chaps, a gift for a friend, party mix to snack on, etc.

Dave has done no packing. Dave hasn't changed the oil on his bike or washed it. Dave worked last night until midnight.

Not impressed.

I have no clue when or what he's going to pack. Much less wash the bike or change the oil in it.

Oh, and he didn't pass his riding test. So yeah, we're down there unendorsed. Wish that I could ride my own, then we would be mostly okay, but that's just not in the cards this year. You just can't pass the MN/ND riding test on a large bike. They're to heavy and not manuverable enough to do all that weaving in and out of cones. I passed on a 250. NOT my Harley. So yeah.

I'm excited, but I have this terrible feeling that he's going to back out on me at the last minute. Maybe I need to have more faith in him than that, but eh.

I got to see him yelling at one of his coworkers yesterday when he stopped home to change. I've never seen him that angry.

I hope that he seriously considers (and TAKES) this new job offer from ***. Who cares about money anymore, what about the ability to have a life outside of work???

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