Getting Ready to Go - (2006-08-03, 10:59 a.m.)

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My Mom posted a pretty cool video of her perspective from the back of my Dad's Harley on her website yesterday. It's incredible, and you should go check it out.

Other than that, not much new on the home front that I'm free to discuss, anyhow.

Dave was off to W******* to take his motorcycle license test this morning, he's convinced that he's not going to pass it. Par for the course for his attitude, unfortunately. He's a very skilled rider, and I doubt that he will have a problem. The only thing that worried me was that his bike is awfully large, and for the most part you have a better chance of passing the test if you have a smaller bike. I took my riding test on a 250. Then again, I guess that was MN and he wasn't able to get into MN testing - they're always booked up solid and it's my understanding that they're booked solid for the rest of the summer. So yeah, we'll see.

I'm getting busy packing and doing last minute things around the house. I need to touch base with our neighbors who are going to be over here making sure that nothing blows up, floods out or burns down while we're gone. Oh yeah, and that the cats are fed. Can't forget about the cats!

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