Five Things - (2006-07-20, 10:12 p.m.)

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Five things (snitched from Nacwolin)

5 Things in my Refrigerator:

1. Diet Coke. But of course. God forbid we run out in this house.
2. Lunch leftovers from my lunch date with Janetta.
3. Crescent rolls. 'Cause you know, I'll probably make chicken wrap again soon.
4. Yogurt. Yum.
5. 2% Milk. Dave is going to be home sometime tonight. He likes milk. I do not.
I can also tell you something there's not - beer!

5 Things in my Closet:

I am going to do as Nacwolin and describe things other than the standard clothes and shoes.

1. Dave's suit that I still need to take to the dry cleaner.
2. A clothesbasket full of shoes.
3. The occasional cat. Homer likes to hide in there, and sometimes Bubba does, too.
4. Suitcases. Minus one.
5. Dust bunnies.

Five things in my purse:

1. My wallet, indcluding license, check card and license.
2. Chap stick!!! Several of these, actually.
3. Lipstick which I hardly ever wear.
4. If I'm out of the house, the cell phone. Always.
5. Estee Lauder face powder sample. Nice stuff, but dang, I'm not paying $30+ for make up!

5 things in my car:

1. My sweet mix from Sydney.
2. Little lint and string fibers from the anti-swelling elbow socks that I wear all the time. For some reason they stick to my upholstry.
3. My motorcycle jackets - one leather, one for rain.
4. A couple of empty Diet Coke cans. But of course. They roll around the back seat in between gas fills.
5. The crappy aluminum/neoprene braces that I had to wear, one for each arm. When I was told at PT that I didn't have to wear them anymore, they went straight from my arm into the back seat. From there, they haven't been touched.

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