wsi update - this is hell - (2006-05-30, 10:50 a.m.)

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i don't have the patience, strength or physical endurance at this time to sit down and type out the pure rage that i have for w0rkf0rce s@fety. they're not going to cover my surgery last thursday, nor am i receiving benefits after june 15th. so i'm going to have to pay my bills with love and hot air, i guess???

dave says we're appealing and quite likely hiring a lawyer. i feel like i'm going to be in debt for the rest of my life...

i need to remember to count my blessings that dave has a good job, and a very forceful nature. it's so good to be taken care of like that, but since i can't do much of nything right now, i have to sit and wait. he was so angry about this whole thing this morning he could hardly talk. and of course, all i could do is cry. fuckers to do this to me and my family. i don't know how they sleep at night.

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