My Space, etc. - (2006-05-04, 2:09 p.m.)

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I'm exhausted. I went to visit at work 2 days ago? Now I've got the flu that's being passed around.

I used to get sick all the time, now recently I rarely get sick. Of course, when my immune system is trying to fix my elbow, I guess it forgot to protect me against the flu.

I've been enjoying My Space quite a bit. Gotten in touch with some old friends from high school and a few from college. That's been quite fun. :)

Been also thinking that I need to redesign this page again. It's been at least 1 1/2 years. I remember when i would do a new design every month! I guess I've just not had the time or the ideas lately.

I have a couple of ideas now, so we'll see how that goes.

I'm going back to bed. Tired.

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