big gigantic scary black arm brace - (2006-04-26, 12:15 p.m.)

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pt went okay yesterday. i now have this gigantic metal and neoprene black brace on my arm from wrist to armpit. it's attractive, let me tell ya. all the little kids and some of the adults got to stare at me when we went to the dairy queen. yay.

it's not comfortable to sleep with either. dave has retreated to the couch while all this is going on. at first he was afraid that he would roll over on my arm at night when it was all wrapped up and hurt me, and now he's afraid that he'll roll over on my arm and hurt himself.

this brace doesn't fool around, i'm telling you. it's ugly and very scary looking.

i can't wait to get one for the other arm. kidding, only kidding. but gosh, i'm right handed and so limited right now with my left that it's made a huge effect on my functionality. i can't imagine what it's going to be like when i get my right done.

still haven't heard from those stupid fuckers at workman's comp to see if they're going to "decide" to cover my surgeries. what a bunch of idiots.

i really don't want to have to hire a lawyer.

tonight we're going out for supper at the cb. i think one of the bartenders there has been fattening his pockets and adding to the bill - it's always quite high when he's working. so i'm going to keep my own tab tonight and see what happens.

this means that i should do my hair, which makes me tired even thinking about it.

i miss my life.

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