one handed - (2006-04-21, 5:09 p.m.)

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doing okay. warned about no capitals though, and hard for a fast typer to think in letters rather than words.

surgery went okay. the nurse that was trying to start my iv had to try 3x and i was crying by the time she was done. my hand is all swollen up and black/blue. very sore.

the nerve block didn't work either, my whole arm was supposed to be numb, but it's not. had something to do with not being able to get my 'nerve bunch' in my artery - which was about as painful as it sounds. there's just something wrong with needles in my armpit anyhow, especially when i could feel my blood running down my arm and off the table. :(

so i'm okay. sleeping a lot, but so used to being sore on the elbows that my incision doesn't really hurt anymore than what has been 'normal' for me. that's sad.

thank you all who have left advice and kind words...they REALLY mean a lot.

more later.


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