Can I be the CrankyOne? - (2006-04-17, 9:51 a.m.)

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I am just stressed out, big time. My nurse case manager Nadine called me this morning and we visited. My surgeries have been approved by Workforce Safety. Yay. At least I won't have to pay for torture myself.

She said that I sounded really stressed, so that maybe I should think about calling the surgeon's office and asking if I could have the day off prior to my surgery approved through them to "get ready."

So I called Dr. B's nurse. Maybe she got up on the wrong side of the bed or something, but what a snot! It was clear that I was wasting her time, as "they don't do that" and "you should have had plenty of time to get ready, or they wouldn't have scheduled you."

Yeah, what was that, a week and a day? Maybe I'm more of a wuss than others, but for me that's just not enough time. I'm not organized, and I wanted to have certain things done prior to having surgery. And they're not.

Tomorrow after I see Geralyn (for PT) I have to do about 15 other errands and then come home and clean the house. I told Dave that I would clean the house well for him so that he wouldn't have to worry about it. For the first few days, at least.

I mean, I may be Crazy Cleaning lady, but with 28 feet in and out of this house, it gets to be a lot. Especially when 6 of the 8 of us who live here are shedding their winter coats right now.

For the record, that's all the pets with the exception of Dave and me. I always shed.

I'm so going to be cranky at work today. Maybe I should ask Holly if she wants to trade screennames for a few days? I've never really seen her as cranky, anyhow. But I'm such a bitch lately that it's even scaring me.

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