Happy Easter - (2006-04-16, 10:12 a.m.)

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Happy Easter!

Overdid it apparently yesterday. I power washed our monster deck and carpet cleaned about 1/2 of the house. By the end of that I was so shaky that I could hardly hold a full can of Diet Coke.

Not good, my friends. Not good. Very sore today. Muscles are still screaming at me.

Today we're going down to Dave's family's place in B****. I'm tired and still kind of cranky from being overworked* and sore.

(*Please note overworked is a relative term for me at this time. Pressurewashing for an hour and carpet cleaning for 1 1/2 hours is not a lot of WORK but it's clearly more arm action than I can handle right now. God bless Tylenol-3.)

I love his parents, don't get me wrong, but I'm just not in the mood to talk about all this cubital tunnel bullshit, and be asked the same five questions 20 times. His Mom consistently thinks that I have carpal tunnel (I wish, it would be a lot easier and the surgery is a cakewalk) and keeps asking odd questions that have nothing to do with cubital tunnel. So whatever.

I'm still tired. I went to bed at 10 PM last night, slept for most of the night and didn't get up until 9 AM today.

I would really rather just stay home.

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