Sick again? - (2006-03-13, 9:20 a.m.)

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Still not feeling 100% - which is ridiculous. I mean, with the whole cubital tunnel thing I'm never 100%, but this stupid flu thing just isn't going away. I went to bed last night about 8:30, got up today at 7 AM, and I'm still tired. Yesterday I was having muscle spasms in my arms, shoulders and back, so that was a picnic as I'm sure you can imagine.

Friday night we had "Bitches Night Out" which means that 11 of us (most of us ride motorcycle together) all went over to Bonnie's house for a sleepover. We had soooo much food and a lot of booze. I was told that I was a wuss, as I didn't drink a whole lot, but that's okay as I was still not at my best.

So we drank, played the "Pervert Game" and Catchphrase, then some of us went to bed and others ventured downstairs to watch porn. We had a great time.

Dave is sick too, which is unusual for him. Neither one of us did a whole lot this weekend, and if I had my way, I would call in sick to work today again as I feel awful. But it's only 3 hours, so I'll try to stick it out.

My flu before was cold-like, and now I apparently have the stomach component that I was fortunate enough to miss before.

And to top it off, there's something wrong with one of the kitties. Hercules is all bloody on his behind, so into the kitty doctor we go. I cleaned cat box yesterday and noticed that someone was sick, but figured not a big deal. All you have to do is look at the poor thing from behind to know that it very well could be a big deal. So to the vet we go. Thank goodness Dave has a good job. Hopefully he's not got cancer or something, or needs an operation as God only knows how we would pay for that.

So I'm going to take him to the vet, come home and lay down again until I have to go to work. Hopefully the muscle spasms will not rear their ugly heads this afternoon, or work could get really ugly very fast.

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