Batteries on your arms? - (2006-02-24, 9:07 a.m.)

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Better mood today, kinda. Thanks for kind words from DBFeb, Calthea, Mandy and Holly. Lemme tell you guys, I need all the encouragement that I can get right now. DB said that he thinks that he has had this test, and that it wasn't so bad. I've heard that it also depends on who does it.

So PT went okay yesterday, however I'm wearing battery patches on both of my arms. I don't know how to describe them to you, except they look like two huge bandaids in the shape of two circles linked together in the middle, and they're pasted on the insides of my elbows. They're not the most comfortable thing in the world either, let me tell ya.

They're supposed to help destroy the scar tissue that's built up in my arms, and I guess it's extra big there on the spots that Geralyn put these dealies on.

So I look really cute at night - huge elbow braces and then these batteries adhered to my arms.

I'm to the point that I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

In other news, I've been scrapbooking slowly but surely with all my free time.

It's also snowing like crazy here today. Let Beau and Daisy out this morning for their "morning pee" and they came back in just covered in snow! Which of course means that it's going to suck trying to get out of the driveway. So go figure.

I work today from 4:30 - 6:30. Dave has to do some install thingy tonight, so I don't expect him to be home until late.

I really hate being so bored all the time.

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