Impala Door Handles? - (2006-02-08, 10:49 a.m.)

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I am completely bored...

And let me tell you, I ache like I ached in the beginning, before all the physical therapy. Of course, they really worked me over on Monday, but goodness - I didn't expect to backslide that badly.

I'm still hurting like crazy, but today is better than yesterday.

I'm so tired!

Had about 2" of snow yesterday, it was the fluffy kind that when we get I just hope that the wind doesn't pick up as that creates ground blizzard really quick. It was super-light, so I shoveled it off the deck by just pushing the shovel around and then played with Beau and Daisy outside. They seemed to like that and took the opportunity to play "chase" around my Explorer.

I have to go in to town to get a door handle for the Impala, then paint to paint it and get Dave to install it before I bring it in to the dealership to sell it next week. We've got the kiddo this weekend, so I hope that he still takes the time to do that, as I'm not going in to town again until Friday.

Nobody seemed to have a used one, although I would imagine that for the most part, door handles (the outside ones are what I'm referring to) are sold with the door. However they're only about $50 new, however I have to paint it myself. Hopefully I can find someplace in town that will put "Impala Blue" into a spray can for me as I really don't want to have to drag out all Dad's painting equipment to just do a silly little door handle. I can do an okay job with a spray can anyhow.

But I mean really - if I ask the dealership to do it they're going to charge me over $100 to do it, or more I'm sure. So I'll just do it and then have Dave install it. Roughing up the door handle primer and holding a spray nozzle for 30 seconds? I should be able to manage that.

Otherwise, I've been sitting here at home like a slug in my pajamas, taking naps, watching TV and reading. Dullsville, for sure. It's frustrating feeling as though I'm not accomplishing anything at all. That's just not like me!!!

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