Why am I so busy with all this free time? - (2006-02-07, 10:34 a.m.)

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Wow, am I sore. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I hurt so badly, but what's new.

I'm feeling kind of whiny lately, sorry about that.

I have a few things to do today that will keep me from losing my sanity. I can't figure out a design for my diary - the one that I had been working on slowly but surely is mostly together, but I just don't like it all that much, so I tossed it.

I can't find an image that I like - that's the thing.

At least it's "Happy Tuesday Guestbook/Note Signing Day" so I had an excuse to sign for most everyone. That's always fun.

I'm so tired...I was up at 7:15 AM and then back to sleep by 8:30 AM and slept until 10 AM. That's not like me.

I have all this little stuff to do - why is it that I don't feel like there's all this little stuff to do when I'm working??? It's puzzling.

Not much else to report besides my arms aren't as black and blue appearing as what they feel. Dave and I were cuddling this morning before he got up to shower and he bumped my arm the wrong way and that *hurt!*

Don't forget, Happy Tuesday!

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