New Design? - (2006-02-01, 3:24 p.m.)

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Okay. I'm getting Photoshop memories back.

Expect a new design when my elbows/wrists can stand to sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a's coming, but it's going to be slow, and a simple design.

So I've been battling with my mortgage company today, who is trying to tell me that I've paid a whopping $0.22 on my principal since 7/1/05. Um, no. Can you please explain to me then what the fuck you're doing with my $450 or so that I'm sending you every month, which is WELL more than what my payment is???

I'm not a happy camper, and the rep couldn't/wouldn't explain to me what was going on. So yeah, we're re-financing as soon as humanly possible ANYHOW, but goodness sakes. She kept doing "roundabout" dialogue to answer my question, so I just kept asking her the same question. I mean, I work for a big bank and with mortgage bankers all the time. I know how mortgages work. Arrrgghhh!

I think more she "couldn't" explain what was going on, rather than "wouldn't." Idiot.


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