Workman's Comp - (2006-01-19, 10:28 a.m.)

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So yeah, that didn't go well yesterday.

I respect people so much more when they take ownership of their errors, you know? I don't respect you if you say "it was someone else's fault, they dropped the ball." Um, yeah.

Not to mention being talked to like a five year old.

So I'm going to talk to the manager's manager today and see what becomes of it. Things weren't fully explained to me, and I want the manager's manager's opinion.

I also filed workman's comp yesterday. Come fix my freaking desk. I'm sick and tired of hurting all the time and I think I probably have tendonitis in my left elbow now, and it's starting in my right.

So off to the doctor I go again tomorrow morning. At least I know that I'm not going to have to keep coming up with the $30 copay after copay.

We're always told that "one person makes a huge difference" where I work. Then why aren't I treated more individually???

Yeah, 40 or so people that you're senior to went ahead and picked their last time off bidding round, but go ahead and go pick now, it should be about the same...

Um, 40 people (just for an example, I think it may be more) times anywhere between 40 to 80 hours each??? That's a lot more of booked time that I don't have the chance to get.

So I guess my 9 months of seniority means ... um ... NOTHING?

I'm just so freaking cranky about the whole deal, sick and tired of hurting all the time and nobody will do anything about it. Apparently it's "facilities" to handle and they just haven't gotten around to it yet. Mm-hmm.

The thing is, I've stuck up for my manager to other agents and other team members. She's done some pretty crummy stuff to others. I mean, there's two sides to every story, but I know enough about how stuff works around there to be able to read in between the lines.

I don't think that I'm going to stick up for her anymore.

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