Nothing much - (2005-11-08, 8:59 p.m.)

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I'm so tired of being sick! It's been 2 weeks, you would think that I deserve some relief by now, right?

Dave's birthday was great, we had a lot of fun. I already talked about that though, right? Right.

Sent off the check for my new car yesterday. Against what I had thought, I actually am kind of excited to get a new vehicle again, even if it is a car. I've had my Explorer for 2 1/2 years, so maybe it's time for a change.

And of course, no car payments once the Explorer is sold. I haven't had that my whole adult life, so it's going to be nice.

Between that, and Dave's new job we're going to be able to stockpile the extra $ for a new house pretty quick. Definitely looking forward to that!!!

That's about it that's going on around here. I'm going to go to bed!

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