Dave's new Job and a Dishwasher! - (2005-11-03, 2:44 p.m.)

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Finally some time to sit down and write. And of course, time to do some of the things that I should have been doing last weekend but was to *ahem* hung over to accomplish.

Tip: don't take cold medicine and then go to the bar and order drinks where they make them very strong. Trust me on this one. Apparently I was very entertaining and I don't remember the last part of it.

Getting going on the paperwork to get my new car. Dave, the sweetheart, is buying it for me. I mean gosh. Like I had mentioned previously, it was time to sell the Explorer, but my new car is only 2 years old, and I have to admit that it is pretty nice. So I'm kind of excited about that. In a I-really-don't-want-to-sell-my-SUV kinda way. But yes.

Not only that, but last week our dishwasher just quit working. I was in the kitchen and after having started it about 1/2 hour before, it smelled funny. Hot, like burning. So I opened the door. Ewwwwww. No water. So I proceeded to handwash all the dishes and ask when Dave would have a chance to look at it. Well, Saturday morning rolled around, he took a look at it and decided we were just going to buy a new one.

So he finds it amusing that I am so excited about our new dishwasher. It's quiet as a mouse - I mean you can actually watch TV in the living room or try to sleep in the bedroom and you can't hear the dishwasher! I will admit, our last one was pretty loud in a freight train through the kitchen sort of way, but this Maytag is amazing!

That and it gets all the crap (even the dried on crap!) off the dishes so I don't have to wash them prior to putting them in the dishwasher which never really made sense to me anyhow.

So yes, I'm excited about our new dishwasher. We got it quite reasonably as it was "last year's" model. Guess I didn't realize that appliances were made in model years also.

"Yeah, what kinda washer you runnin'?"

"Eh, mine's a '99 Amana. You?"

"Yup, I got the fancy new 2006 Maytag whatchamacallit!"

"Wooooah. Niiiice!"

I mean really.

So yeah, last years model with three racks and it gets all the crap off the dishes quietly. Nice deal.

But the most exciting of all is Dave accepted a new job! He's going to be making more $ and will actually be respected at work! Imagine that??? His boss apparently told one of his co-worker buddies that she figured Dave would be with their company until May or so as nobody else would hire him. How very professional of her!!! So she about fell out of her chair when he told her he was quitting. She actually tried to get him to stay for a month. Can you imagine that?

It will be entertaining to watch her sink like a rock after he leaves as she's so used to taking credit for his knowledge, work and other projects that he completes, now she will have to do them and what's even more fun is she doesn't know how! I'm sure we'll get an up to date report regularly from M***. Yep, fun times.

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