Dave's Joy and Judging a Book by it's Cover - (2005-09-22, 7:33 p.m.)

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Went for a nice ride last night, it was peaceful even if it's starting to get a little cold.

The chaps that I bought in Sturgis in '02 are to big if you can believe that, so I had to have Dad "cinch" me in. Dave would have, but he can't lift.

Today did a bunch of errands in town and then met Dave at the Harley shop to pick out a new sissy bar/t-bag/sissy bar mounting kit etc. etc. and then went and bought him a new leather jacket. It's sweet, and it was only about $300, so that's not to bad. He got some wonderful gloves too so that his hands won't get cold.

Riding behind him last night I finally realized how freaking loud that new Harley is. My goodness, I ride one too, and I can hear him shift over myself!!! That's noisy.

And it's kind of cute because he's the only one of us with a "chopper" style bike with the big fat fender on the back. Well, besides Dan, but he wasn't able to go with us all last night.

I love riding behind him, just watching him. He has so much fun, and even if he complains because it can get to be an expensive hobby (another $750 or so in "stuff" today for him) I always wonder if he's just eating the bugs with that big smile, or secretly picking them out with a toothpick. LOL

He loves it so much, and it's just makes me feel so damned good to watch him because he's so joyous when he rides. I admit, I am very proud of my man. He's one of the smartest people that I've ever met, he's a good looking young guy, and best of all he chose me right back. I just feel so blessed watching him ride because I see how happy he is and it just gives me the warm fuzzies like you wouldn't believe.

Topic change:

When I went to a certain local business today, I ended up getting pretty pissed.

It's my day off, and I'm still wearing a pressure bandage around my leg where my incision was. My "nice" jeans don't fit around it, but my old baggy holey ones do. So of course I was wearing my old holey jeans and a Sturgis shirt. Hair in a ponytail, no make up. Not the best in appearance, I admit, but I had a couple of errands to do and it's laundry day, and so on.

I had to do some returns and one of the cashiers had to inform me of their return policy. Repeatedly.

I walked off to get some other items that I needed from the store, and came back and ended up telling her off in front of a lot of other customers.

"You know, I'm not stupid, and I don't appreciate it when you speak to me as though I'm not able to comprehend what you're saying. Speaking to your regular customers like that probably isn't good for customer relations."

Everyone stared at her and myself, and she apologized really quick. What a bitch. I didn't feel badly for doing it either, because when she was being insulting, the same customers were watching her like she was a nut. So anyhow.

I haven't experienced that in a long time, being treated differently because of how I look or how I'm dressed. Admittedly, not the cutest today, but when I am at work, I'm considered a "business professional" and I'm sure that I would have been treated differently if I was wearing my work clothes/had makeup on/wasn't wearing ripped jeans, Harley boots and a Sturgis shirt.

When I was in sales, I ran into that a lot. One of my former high school classmates said that "nobody would help him because he has 2 full sleeves of tattoos" and then ended up buying about $7k worth of furniture. That's a hell of a comission.

It's good to have that reminder though, to not judge a book by it's cover, you know?

I'm going to go finish folding laundry and go pester my cutie pie while he's adding the luggage rack and sissy bar etc. etc. to his Harley. :)

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