Riding in the Rain - (2005-09-11, 11:02 p.m.)

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Feeling a bit better today, but still tire easily.

Had to work a partial day yesterday and one of my coworkers couldn't believe that I was actually at work...she said I looked awfully tired and worn out. So I showed her my leg. LOL Oh well.

Since Dave got his new bike (see previous entry, to lazy to link) he desperately wanted to go for a ride today. So myself, the parents, Dan and Becky accompanied him out to the lake to have lunch. That was about all I could take, as my incision rubs on my air intake on the Harley, so not much fun.

Of course, Dave has a crappy seat on his new Night Train, so riding on the back of that wouldn't be much fun either. Besides, he doesn't have his license yet, just a permit.

I'm the one that has the license. Heh.

Anyhow, on the way back we got to christen the new rain gear that we got as an early Christmas present from Mom and Dad. I'm quite thankful that we had it along as it rained quite hard. The raindrops were big enough to sting, but I wear a full-face helmet and with that and the rain gear, the only things that got wet were my feet. Boots are obviously not designed for riding in the rain. Galoshes, maybe. Not riding boots.

I was able to wring my socks out when we got back. Dan (who had no rain gear) turned his boots upside down and water literally poured out of them... that must have been a cold ride for him!

It was surreal riding in the rain without being wet though. Your senses tell you that you *should* be wet, but you aren't even though you can feel the raindrops hitting you in the legs/arms/chest. It's like something out of bizzaro world.

So other than that, I didn't accomplish anything today besides snuggling a kitty, spending quality time with my family and my honey, and some time with friends. But I guess I don't have to be productive all the time, right?

My leg hurts like a booger tonight though, I think it's from being on my feet to much this afternoon.

Once again, I'm thankful that Dave and I invested in a new living room set...I've been getting a lot of use out of that recliner we bought! (Link here but ours is deep burgundy/chocolatey)

My incision is all yellow above and dark purple/black below. It looks horrible and it's starting to itch. This is not a fun deal, let me tell ya.

I'm exhausted, and going to go snuggle my honey and then go to bed. I betcha he's online again looking for a windshield, a sissy bar, sissy bar mount, etc. etc. etc. for his new bike. I tell ya, he's a junkie now. :)

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