Surgery tomorrow - (2005-09-06, 9:37 p.m.)

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Well, tomorrow is the day.

I get to go have surgery. I'm scared as hell. Basically they're tearing a vein out of my leg from ankle to hip.

Jealous? Yeah, I didn't think so.

I'm so uncomfortable and the pain is getting worse by the day, but I'm still scared to have to do this. I never thought it would come to this.

I hurt so badly at work today that I just squirmed around in my chair, got up and paced around my cubicle and probably drove my cubemate pretty much nuts. Oh well, she's pretty self-involved for the most part, I'm surprised she noticed.

Anyhow, tomorrow morning at 11:30 I get to go "under the knife" so to speak. I'm going to have more scars, but for God's sake I hope that this fixes my constant pain. I would post before and after pictures, but I don't have a place online anymore to store pictures, so if you want some you'll have to let me know.

I'm going to be wrapped up in gauze from hip to toe on my right leg for 2 days with strict orders not to remove them. I guess they want me up and walking pretty much right away, so I'm sure that's going to be so much fun.

Dave has to work overnight in GF, so he's going to be home to go with me to surgery, which is great. Mom is going to be there with me too as Dave has to go back to work in the afternoon, so she's going to make sure that I'm okay and don't have to have problems getting water or anything else that I need.

Great, I just had another completely wonderful am I going to use the bathroom?


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to this at all...I'm almost 30 years old and my Mom is NOT going to have to help me with that.

Well, wish me luck!

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