A New Harley? - (2005-08-25, 9:44 a.m.)

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What a whirlwind of the last few days.

So my Mom emails me yesterday at work "surprise, we're home early!" from being down in Sturgis, SD for the motorcycle rally. So that was a huge surprise. Of course then we all congregated at the little local bar for burgers and beers/drinks after work. I got there later, and Dave pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and drops a bombshell.

There's a Harley Davidson VIN on the paper and a lot of other information. He's found a bike. And it's not a sport bike like his Triumph...

It's something that I haven't ever seen before, a "Night Train" Softail. Very sweet. He found it on an online auction site (not ebay) and emailed the owner last night for his phone number as he has a few questions to ask him.

So yes, I was extremely surprised. He's talked about getting a cruiser, like a Suzuki Marauder or something like that, but he hasn't gone all the way over to the Harley side of things until last night.

I was just speechless!!!

He gave the VIN to my Mom so she was going to call a friend of ours that lives out in CA and works for the Highway Patrol to run the VIN to make sure it's not a stolen bike or something. That's what this guy (also named Dave) used to do prior to retirement, find stolen motorcycles.

So yeah, we might be a three-motorcycle household by Monday.


Other than that, we've just been keeping busy. Dave's back and leg are getting better and we both have surgical consult meetings next week - finally.

Oh, and I found some bras on ebay. :)

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