Sniffle and Ouch - (2005-08-15, 9:15 a.m.)

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What a week. Of course we didn't go anywhere or do much of anything because of Dave's back, so no "vacation" to Sturgis. I was awfully disappointed.

So instead I cleaned the heck out of the house - I don't think it's been this clean since I moved in! I weeded the heck out of the garden, so it's just beautiful, better than it's been in years. I worked on getting Liz's room cleaned out as much as possible, but Dave still has a bunch of stuff that came from his old apartment that need to be thrown/put away/put together that I didn't quite know what to do with.

My allergies have just been kicking my butt, I'm all stuffed up and uncomfortable and achy. I hate this time of year. So of course I would like to ride the Harley to work, but I don't know if that's that great of an idea. Ya know, to force pollen up my nose at 65 mph probably isn't the best idea right now.

Dave and I have been cranky with each other, him because he hurts, me because I'm PMSy and not feeling all that great. And of course because we didn't get to go on vacation like we had planned.

We've already started looking for tickets for Christmas, but it doesn't look like we're going to be able to fly in to Tuscon as originally planned, it's much more expensive. Flying out of the hometown instead of Minneapolis is going to be more expensive, and I just can't afford a small arrival town and a small departure town. So yeah. We'll see.

I just wish Dave's back felt better and he wasn't so touchy. He has been crankier than I have ever seen him, and I haven't been feeling good either. Makes for a somewhat ugly household, but I'm sure we'll get over it.

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