All Over - (2005-07-14, 10:39 a.m.)

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Message in notes:

Hmm...this is the first time I've ever miandered through your diary, little miss! Sounds like your ex still likes to try to get under your skin. People like that you just have to look at with humor and see them a little kids throwing a big temper tantrum. Somebody oughta stick his ass in the corner!

Good take on it Jelleh, I think you have him figured out!

Day off today - going to get my hair cut, the oil changed in the Explorer and getting the motorcycle license.

Hopefully after this "government shutdown" in MN (what a joke) there won't be lines out the door, but you never know.

MN government has some of the highest wages - back when I was job hunting there was a position open at a local university as an administrative assistant...for a wage range of $14+. To freaking start!! I live by a city of around 250,000, that's a huge wage. The problem is in this area that all the young people from NW Minnesota, some from central MN and most of ND come and conglomerate in Fargo, and then flood the job market. There's all kinds of jobs that you can get starting at $7-$8 per hour with a degree and if you don't have a degree, for the most part forget it. So the MN government was striking for better wages/better healthcare/more vacation and already at least in this area they've got most employers beat to hell in all of the above. Greed is an ugly thing.

I'm excited for my haircut - I always feel great after I get one and it's been since last fall probably that I've had one. My hair has gotten super long...almost 1/2 way down my back. I'm not going to get it cut OFF, but it needs to be trimmed serverely.

What's cute is I have been talking about getting a hair cut and Dave decided to go get one too. He has blonde curly hair and when it gets to long he gets these little cute curls on the back of his head. How sweet!

He's one of the blondest people I've known well as an adult (besides my Mom) that's truly a blonde. Not a color job. And of course like most Norwegians in the area - at least the purerblooded ones - he's got blue eyes and is very tall, 6'3".

That was one of the things that blew me away when I lived out East. I was tall out there. I'm 5'8" and for the most part, out East I would look the men in the eyes and down a little bit at women. Height wise, of course, not morally wise. At home here, I look up to the guys and for the most part right in the faces of women! People around here are just that much taller. And blonder too. Not a lot of blondes out East. Natural ones, I mean.

Anyhow, this entry has kind of gone all over the place, and I have to get going into town so I can get my hair cut. :)

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