Pushing Buttons - (2005-07-13, 8:39 p.m.)

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Ya know, I think I realized over the last few days why I respect Dave as much as I do...

It's because even though he knows me better than 99% of my friends/family, he doesn't push my buttons in a negative way! (See previous entry)

He could but he chooses not to and that makes all the difference in the world.

He only pushes my happy buttons, but I'm not going to go into that. ;) No, not that one, that's not what I meant, but you know what I mean.

Ex has finally stopped being snarky, but he's still being himself, which in other words means immature and not very repsonsible, but enough. Whatever. He's not my problem anymore. The other emails that I have gotten are just as bad, but this is MY space and I'm not going to waste it on him.


So yeah. Tomorrow I have off, and I'm going to get my motorcycle license. Yipee! I have this beautiful Harley that I don't know how to ride, and it's about time I started riding, ya know? Sturgis here we come! Heh.

I'm going to go have supper because I'm hungry. :)

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