Decking, Toothbrushing and Unpacking - (2005-07-06, 9:31 a.m.)

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Have I mentioned that I have the most wonderful man in the world living with me? Oh yes I do. Love him so much. :)

Something I was thinking about this's impossible to not look like a complete mess when using an electric toothbrush. Really. We got one about 3 months ago, and you would think that over time, one would get used to the vibrate-y feeling and not look like a crazy rabid person. But nope, seems not to be the case. And of course then there's the whole dripping toothpaste and drool all over in the sink (and sometimes on the bathroom counter). Yeah, pretty sexy. Good thing it gets your teeth so doggone clean that it's worth it.

We worked on the deck some more last night when I got home from work, we're almost done and then we're going to landscape around it. Then pavers are going in for a sidewalk, then about 3 tons of gravel are going to be delivered and we're going to redo the driveway. Okay, maybe not three tons, but we're widening the driveway out so that we've got more room to park. Between my Explorer and his Silverado, the driveway is a bit cramped. He was talking about picking up one of those little storage sheds as they're on sale this week too, so that we have more storage area around here. For rakes and shovels and stuff. Oh, and for his new Ducati too, which he's going down to Minneapolis to get in 1 1/2 weeks.

Busy days, I'm telling you...

The house is somewhat unpacked. We're not tripping over boxes every time we turn around anymore, so that's a good sign, right?

Whew, it's tough being so busy.

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