We're going to get the deck! - (2005-06-11, 1:29 p.m.)

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We're going to buy the deck today, we're going to buy the deck today! Wheee! I'm excited, I've been wanting to have a big beautiful deck on the front of the house for years, and we're finally going to have one!

I'm also hoping to work more on painting in here (the office) this afternoon/tonight and get a good part of it done. Dave's desk needs to fit in here, and with the green recliner...well there's no way. So the recliner moves out, Dave's desk gets moved in and the room is going to be freshly painted. Yellow on the top - which took four freaking coats - and blue on the bottom. Then I'm going to stencil daisies on the blue. Girly I know, but Dave said he didn't mind. :)

I got home from work last night and the carpet had all been cleaned with my new Hoover (which really sucks, but in a good way) carpet cleaner and he was in the process of finishing mowing the lawn. What a sweetie.

Unfortunately we didn't get the garden planted, and it doesn't look like we'll be able to today as the weather is all rain rain rain - it's been raining since about 11 AM and there's no sign of stopping. So I figured I would do inside stuff instead.

That's about all that's going on around here, hopefully tomorrow will be nice so I can weed and plant, but I'm not crossing my fingers...

Happy weekend!

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