Busy! - (2005-06-07, 10:06 p.m.)

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Woah, long time no update.

Been busy with the kiddo and a graduation up in B****** over Labor Day weekend. Spent some good time with Dave's family - they're wonderful.

New job is kicking butt, I just love it and it's fun. There's a lot to learn for what I'm doing, but so many people are telling me that they can't believe that I'm catching on at the rate that I am. Dave said that if I stay there for 2 years that he could get me a job where he used to work as a software trainer too, if I was interested. We'll see - it's an awfully good bank with great benefits and all kinds of other perks, so that would be hard to leave. Who knows?

There's something to be said for after having a hard day, coming home and being told that you're "cranky" and to stop it...and then being sat on and tickled, told how wonderful you are and come to bed. ;) Makes a cranky day not end so badly, ykwim? Heh.

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