Blah blah - (2005-04-16, 1:25 p.m.)

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Kat L K________'s Aliases

Your movie star name: Ice Cream Arnold

Your fashion designer name is Kat Minsk

Your socialite name is Punkin New Orleans

Your fly girl / guy name is K K__

Your detective name is Dog Moorhead

Your barfly name is Popcorn Cosmopolitan

Your soap opera name is L Highway 52

Your rock star name is Chocolate Beau

Your star wars name is Katdai K__dav

Your punk rock band name is The Okay Pencil

heh. Just some random stuff. :)

Your Linguistic Profile:

75% General American English

10% Dixie

10% Yankee

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

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Missed These?

Hospital Stay for Dad
Long time, no write
Soul Sucker
What the F*(&^ is Fibromyalgia?