Money Money and Karoke - (2005-02-07, 10:51 a.m.)

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I did something brand new for me this past weekend.

I sang karoke! It was really a lot more fun than I had anticipated that it would be, and I got a lot of compliments. :) My Dad has never heard me sing before I guess, so that was fun for him too. My Dad is deaf, and he actually got up there and sang a song with some friends, so I figured if he could do it, I could do it to.

Seriously - he has lost about 90% of his hearing and wears hearing aids. Not that the help all that much, but he's gotten really good at reading lips over the past few years. But anyhow.

I also am having a totally kick ass month in sales. I generally want to average out to be about $1k/day. So far I've gotten $18k done for the month. I had a ton of people that came back to see me and were ready to buy, and just some fresh customers that I was able to work with and find exactly what they wanted!!! So good stuff, to say the least. I can sure use the income - with still owing my parents money for my lawyer and some other stuff.

Speaking of lawyers and the divorce and everything, it sounds like we're going to have a four way sit down meeting (my lawyer, me, his lawyer and him) on March 29th. Thank goodness we're going to get this all done soon. Not fair to Dave really to have this hanging over my head. I got so upset about it one night that I cried about it, but he said not to worry about it, he loves me for the whole package and not just the sum of the parts. So good to hear/know.

Anyhow, I have to get back to work, I'm going to try to redo my Sis's webpage.


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