Thoughts and the Internet is down - (2005-01-13, 10:31 a.m.)

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I know, I know. Long time no update. Internet server problems again - and getting really fed up with these two guys and this start up compnay.

Today we're going to be getting new internet service if weather permits. We were supposed to have a huge storm up here today...blizzard conditions, but so far it's 10 below and sunny without any wind. We had a whole pile of snow yesterday, I would guess about 5 inches, and a good wind would make it impossible to get around.

Christmas was wonderful - Dave's family LOVES me and I felt so welcome there. A big change from the previous in-laws to be sure. At least the former's Mom, who I always just couldn't get along with 100%.

My Mom loved her couch that I bought for her. :) She was completely speechless! Dad says that it "naps good" too, so I made my goal, which was to completely floor my parents. I love giving gifts more than I enjoy receiving them, just to watch the look on someone else's face just makes my day.

Things are going well for Dave and I, it seems we grow closer every day. He was sick with a cold/flu thing earlier this week, and I had the day off so I stayed home and took care of him. I don't think that anyone had ever done that for him before from some of the things he said...but he deserves it. There isn't a whole lot that I wouldn't do for that guy, I'm telling you! He's wonderful, and I'm so very blessed to have him in my life.

So if you've emailed me or messaged me, I'm not ignoring you - it's that I haven't been able to get online or get to my email at all. It's not working, and I haven't gotten an email message since 1/2. *sigh*

But life is good, even if it is cold as heck up here in Minnesota. But I'm still happy because I have Dave and the dogs and cats to keep me warm. ;)

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