Randomness - (2004-12-09, 4:14 p.m.)

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It's snowing, it's snowing. Yuck - just means more shoveling. Not that I have that much to do, but we're going out tonight so I'm betting that it will be late by the time that I get home to shovel and it will be frozen and all stuck together.

Yes, once again it's Thursday night dart league for Dave, so it's back to "his" bar for the evening.

This weekend we're going to visit his sister in B******, the first time that I will be meeting her.

Shoot, we still have to figure out how we're going to do Christmas this year - what days at what house and all that stuff. I have just one present bought, and 1 1/2 made, but other than that I was hoping to get some of that done this weekend as I was planning on picking Kristin's brain about what to get Dave for Christmas. I mean, I have some ideas, but figured that she might be able to give me some other good ones too.

Anyhow, I should hop in the shower as I've been working around the house all day doing Christmas decorations and laundry, and carpet cleaning and all kinds of other fun stuff like that...and need time to go get beautiful for my honey. ;)

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