Divorce drama and Happiness Now - (2004-11-27, 6:36 p.m.)

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Ugh, I just really want this divorce thing over with...he's been contacting my friends thinking that they're still his, when really they believe that he's a walking piece of shit...

And then of course there's the matter of the Harley which I want back. He supposedly doesn't have storage for it anymore and I believe that like I believe that he "broke" the camera that my parents bought us for our last anniversary, but was still taking pictures with as of August. He told me that he broke it in June. Riiiiiggghhht.

Tonight no big plans, just got home from work - had a kick ass day. I really needed it too as I still have lawyer bills to pay and I need to take the kitties to the vet.

D and I of course have plans tonight, but have no idea what's going on yet. Steve (a friend of his from work) is flying in back from Denver tonight, and wants to go out after that. Depends on how I'm feeling as I got that ugly cold thing that's been going around and have been almost hacking up a lung. We'll see. I know he has some work stuff to take care of too, but generally he's been doing that sitting on the couch with me and the dogs just using his laptop. So that's nice, cuddle time and work all at once. I guess there are some things that he does at work that have to be done after hours anyhow, like server moves and stuff, so go figure.

Anyhow, I'm just wating for him to get home. :)

He refers to my house as "home" now and his apartment as "the apartment." Isn't that just the coolest??

I just have realized how much I cheated myself in the last years of my marriage by being with this man and spending time with him.

Oh - and his Mom stopped in at my work today to drop off some things that she thought we might want - some Thanksgiving leftovers and the like. How very sweet! (I think I'm *in* with the family!)

I'm happier than I have been in years. Just...happy and content. And he says the same thing.

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