Long time, no entry... - (2004-07-31, 6:36 p.m.)

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I know, I know. You all think I've died...well I'm still around and kicking.

Read on for a message I sent to another d-land friend. I also changed my email address, if you want the new one please let me know.

Hey sweetie!

Haven't had a chance to sit down often enough to do catch up on email. Saw that you had messaged me today, and wanted to let you know that things are going okay.

Todd and I split - he's living I don't even know where - somewhere in xxxxxxxx. I've filed for divorce, but he called me Friday and wants to settle out of court.

I can't believe how different I feel after all this. I've lost about 40 lbs, no medication anymore and am actually HAPPY for the first time in several years. I guess everything happens for a reason. I still love the person that I married 5 1/2 years ago, but that person is gone and was replaced with a selfish conceited liar, and I guess that's something that I will just have to deal with.

I've dated already a little bit, and in fact have a guy that I see on a regular basis. I don't think he's the "one" but we have a lot of fun. I'm meeting a new guy this evening - we're going to go out for a drink and then to a Martin Zellar show in town (remember the Gear Daddies? Maybe not...) and we'll see where things go from there.

I'm working -get this- selling furniture. I like it, but unless you do well enough to make commission the money isn't all that great. Hopefully next month I will be able to do so, and then rather than the $XXXXXX/month where I'm about -$200 I will be around $XXXXXX and that will help A LOT!

How are things out in VA? I haven't been able to keep up with web journaling, but was thinking about making an entry tonight...we'll see how time goes.

That's about it for what's going on around here. Thanks for your message - I haven't heard from you in a while, but still think about you regularly. :)

Love ya!


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