? - (2004-04-10, 10:43 a.m.)

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Hubby called me again last night regarding the dogs. Haven't been able to get a hold of K so hopefully will be able to today.

Poor Hubby is sick and I guess he hurt his back moving the couches out of our house to his apartment. They are pretty heavy, and I guess he only had Joe and his stepdad to help him. I wonder where everybody else was???

He said that the email from K was "a real setback" but it's hard for me to understand why he's holding that against me. I didn't write it, K inflated what I had told him, and it was really hurtful. I wish that he hadn't done that...

I was going to write about what love is to me, but I just don't know that I have the energy to do so right now. I have other things that I have to get done.

I will say that I will write about it later, and that I am really feeling badly that Hubby is moving out. And that I am really hoping that he is going to be able to get some help with this counselor.

I miss my dogs.

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