No Title - (2004-04-07, 2:21 p.m.)

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Hmmm. Still nothing from the Hubby in regard to whether or not he has gotten an appointment or not. Oh well, I guess there isn't anything that I can do about it myself. I will continue to get help and if he wants to stay stuck in the same place, reviewing over and over what happened in the past while forgetting that I'm sorry, getting sympathy from his friends that badmouth me...whatever. Just thinking though, that people get tired of the "poor me" routine.

I know that Mom has talked to him, but I have no idea what was said. She never has shared that stuff with me, and I doubt she ever will. She's always kept private about what we discuss with her. Even though it kind of bugs me, I respect her decision. I guess she called him yesterday when she was in town.

Michael said something to me that has stayed with me. "Nobody really cares if your life sucks." Yes, this is true, and what sympathy that he might be getting from coworkers or whatever will disappear.

Besides, who is going to pick out the best green grapes for him? Who knows him better than me or loves him more than me? Nobody. I don't think that he understands how much changing that I have done. If he doesn't give me that chance, well, maybe that's his loss rather than mine? I don't know.

Also, he had asked me something at one point that I now think I have an answer for. Would I forgive him if he cheated on me. The answer to that is yes. I have had very strong indications that he has/is cheating, and it hurts of course, but it's forgivable.

Anyhow, onto other stuff. D, you didn't call me last night you booger!

I really miss my dogs and cats, my own house and my own bed. Whether he is there or not it's still home to me and I miss it and my fur kids.

I forgot to mention that the other day Dad and I went down to the little town by where my Uncle lives and visited a man named Marlo who owns a gold mine. He's in his 80's, but he's so interesting to talk to about mining and being a rock hound and all that stuff. Of course he still has all his equipment there, and it was interesting to see how it works. He gave me a geode that has white quartz sparkles on the inside and a piece of amythest, which is rich purple. It's in it's natural crystal form. Very cool.

I am finally starting to feel like myself again after all the flu-yness that was going on. We all got sick, my uncle did too. Not a pretty situation when there's a limited number of toilets...I just used a garbage can. Ugh, probably to much information. Sorry.

It's a beautiful day here and I can hear a woodpecker going to town on one of the trees, hopefully it's not one of the apple trees in the orchard. From what I understand, the deer and elk do enough damage on them to begin with. The apple blossoms are going to be blooming soon, and it's going to smell so very good...

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