Sick - (2004-04-05, 10:57 a.m.)

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Hmmm. Felt a bit better after getting that crap out in the last entry.

Emailed Hubby this morning to see if he has made an appointment for counseling yet. I hope that he follows through with it - she's a great counselor.

Guess what? I have the stupid flu! I spent my day on Mom's couch all day, trying to keep food down and drinking 7-up to settle the tummy. Slept down in their camper last night even so in case I had to get up to go to the bathroom I would have help. I'm such a huge baby when I'm sick, but I am really sick. I still don't feel all that great today...but better than yesterday. Mom and Dad have both been sick, but not all of us at the same time.

Did nothing all day yesterday but watch movies and sleep. I feel really icky and know that I need a shower, but somehow I just don't have the energy to go to far from where I'm at. Have all the aches and pains associated with the flu too.

But enough whining.

I miss Hubby and our dogs and cats.

I got a fortune in a fortune cookie that made me cry on Friday night because it gave me hope. Why does hope make me cry? I don't know. I pray for it every day. I kept the fortune in my purse.

All I can do is just pray that he gives me another chance, gives US another chance just as I did after New Orleans.

God Bless all of you.

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