Goals - (2004-04-02, 11:06 a.m.)

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It rained here last night, and now the blossoms for the apricot trees are falling like snow, the peach blossoms are going full swing and the cherry blossoms are going to bust open shortly.

Ole, my Uncle's cat, has moved in with me up at the cabin. He is such a sweet little guy, and he talks to me in the morning when I'm getting ready to face my day.

I've compiled a list of goals that I've been trying really hard to meet every day. So far I'm quite proud of myself, and my therapist says that she's proud of me too for making such wonderful progress.

Goals for Everyday

1. Walk. Walk at least a mile. It's hilly here, so it makes my legs tingle when I'm done. This can be substituted by biking 2 miles in the mountains, but *whew*.

2. Continue to eat healthy. I've lost 20 lbs so far, and I want to continue to do so. I've even been eating salad! I hate Iceberg lettuce though, so it's been spinach and things like that.

3. Pray. Every day, several times a day. Not for myself, but for others. I don't even have to know them, but just pray.

4. Don't judge others. They may have circumstances that I don't understand that make them act in ways that I may not have used to "approve of" but I have to remember it's not up to me to judge. That's God's job. Not mine.

5. Be thankful for what I have. Remember the good in my life rather than the bad that I feel sometimes. Things could be a lot worse.

6. Forgive myself. I am not perfect. Remember this. Remember that it's okay to cry, but don't stay in pity city because it's not healthy.

7. Educate myself about depression. Learn as much as I can so that I can be better and not have to be dysfunctional as I have been in the past. Try to figure out healthy ways to react to others rather than unhealthy ways that hurt others.

8. Be kind and loving. This is probably the most important one of all. This includes thinking before acting and saying things.

I try to remember to do these things every day. Trying to get my life back together isn't easy, but I am so thankful that I have a good support system. Others have been through worse, and I can do this.

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