In New Mexico - (2004-03-29, 9:47 a.m.)

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I'm in New Mexico, in the mountains. It's so incredibly beautiful here, and it's not as far back in the boonies as I had anticipated. :)

We're about three hours SouthEast of Albuquerque by a little town, the closest place to shop is Alamogordo, NM. My uncle has an apple ranch with about 1600 trees and 88 acres of property. There's also cherry, apricot and other fruit trees here.

Dad took me up into the mountains yesterday on the 4 wheeler and on the ridge there is a place where you can pick Indian pottery shards just up off the cousin's wife is an archeologist and she said that she's guessing the shards are about 900 years old. It's amazing...and all just been undisturbed by anything but wild animals and weather.

I'm staying in a hunting cabin here, it's small but very comfortable. Enough room for one or two people on a temporary basis, anyhow.

I miss Hubby. He's supposed to have his first counseling appointment today, if he's able to get in to see her. I think that he would love it here, it's so quiet and peaceful, besides he loves the desert. And we are in the desert, even if we're up in the mountains. There's juniper trees and shrubs all over and the air just smells so clean.

I've just been taking it easy and spending good time with my family. It's been so fun to see them!

That's about all that I have that's new news...nothing other than these things to discuss.

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