Waiting Sucks - (2004-03-24, 5:25 p.m.)

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It's been one strange day.

Mom offered to get me down to New Mexico so that I could come and stay with my family since Todd and I are going kaput. I took her up on the offer, and made reservations today. Got a good deal, paid only $475 rather than the $800 that most of the airlines were charging. Pays to know how to shop around and find stuff. Heh.

Spent a long time talking with Claire last night. Don't know how I would have gotten through the night without her. Thank you sweetie. And thanks goes out to dbfeb as well for all his wonderful words of advice.

Had a very strange conversation with Hubby this afternoon. Makes me wonder if all hope is not lost. I think there may be a glimmer there...but I'm not counting my chickens, if you will.

In his words "We'll have to see what happens when you come back from NM."

So I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Waiting sucks.

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