St. Patrick's aftermath - (2004-03-18, 9:47 a.m.)

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Had as good of a time as could be expected last night. Thank God for Tari and her husband E. She can always help me feel better, and she hugs wonderfully. We went out to a local venue and watched one of E's old roommates play/sing in his band. I haven't seen him since the wedding, as he was E's best man. Such a good show - they played lots of 90's stuff.

The people watching was, er, interesting as well as there was a Great White show going on in the other area of the bar (it's a split bar with two rooms). There was some random older guy with long hair and glasses that just asked if he could sit with us while he waited for his cab. He was a little creepy looking, but he was polite and said "God Bless you" when he left.

Tari helped me feel a bit better about my hurting...and it's good to know that someone thinks that I still have value as a person despite what happened.

Hubby came home this morning from his night out in SmallTown, and he just looked depressed or upset about something. He got his new paintball gun and honestly I expected him to be a bit more excited about it than what he was.

He looked so handsome, my heart just swelled in my chest. God knows I miss him so much. I just want him to hug me and tell me that it will be okay. I would sell my soul to the devil for it. I keep praying on it instead. We could work through this given the chance. Others have overcome worse, and we're both strong people. He is more than I am though.

I'm sitting here crying again, so I'm going to end here.

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