Packing Boxes and Getting Ready to Move - (2004-01-04, 5:40 p.m.)

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You know, I've beem thinking.

There's been much drama that's been going on around here lately, and I've been having my share of problems here too. Most of which I haven't felt like sharing with the general diaryland community as there seems to be so much ugliness around there that didn't use to be.

I think I may move. I'll still be around here a bit, but I doubt that I'll update much anymore.

This has been something that's been on my mind for quite some time now, but there have been some things that I have been talking about in another place now, and some things have happened that have made me believe that I feel more comfortable being in another location now, away from most prying eyes.

If you've been a faithful reader lately, you probably know where it is that I'm going. If not, please feel free to email me, and if I am comfortable with it, I will tell you.

Until next time!



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