Ow! My Eye! - (2003-12-14, 3:37 p.m.)

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Well, it certainly has been an interesting weekend.  We had company on Friday night--the couple that we adopted Beau from.  I made taco rice (think Japanese junk food) and they brought their beagle out and we had a wonderful time.  They are just such wonderfully nice people I enjoy spending time with them so much.  We have tentative plans for next weekend already, and by then Hubby will be done with finals.

Saturday morning Daisy beat me up. She didn't mean to, but I'm sporting my first black eye, ever.  It's pretty unmistakable.  Since it's my first one, we've been taking pictures of the progression of it's appearance.  Not really pretty and I'm not really looking forward to going to work with it tomorrow and all the questions that I'm going to get.  How do you explain that you and your dog cracked skulls when you were getting dressed?  (Me, not the dog)  She wanted to jump up on the bed, and you bend down to pull your pants up and *smack!*

Here's the evidence.  You can click on the photos to see bigger images.  Warning though, you can see that I need to touch up my eyebrows.  :)

about 10 hours after impact

about 24 hours after impact

Keep posted for future eye color updates.  FYI the normal color of my iris is dark brown, but my eyes are still swollen shut partially and they look pretty droopy and for some reason our camera's shots that were of me with my eyes open were coming out all blurry.  So no open eye shots today.  Maybe tomorrow.

Now, for a totally different topic, I heard this morning that they captured Saddam Hussein.  What a wonderful day.  :D  Those four words sum up the total feelings of my being on the topic.  What a wonderful day.  There are so many things that I could say about the subject, but that covers everything.  Otherwise my words are going to come spilling out and I'm not going to be able to stop them yet.  I'm not quite ready for that, so I'm going to just leave it at those four words. 

What a wonderful day!


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