Busy Bee Busy Bee - (2003-12-06, 5:15 P)

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I am forcing myself to slow down. It's been a crazy busy day so far. I've been so busy following up on things that agents should have taken care of...it's not even funny!

I've written emails to leadership in regard to agents not completing the information that they are supposed to send over to my team, and then they're telling customers just to fax information in, and then we have no idea where it's come from! Can you imagine when you sell about 15,000-20,000 tickets per day when you start getting faxes when customers have problems...it can become a little more than slightly problematic.

It's cold and blowing snow today--to the point where it's sticking to the roads and making everything very slippery. I've been in four wheel drive for the past three days nonstop anyhow because of all the snow accumulation. I decided that I would rather pay for extra gas then have an accident and get hurt, you know?

I cleaned the house last night in preparation for Christmas decorating tonight. This is about the only night that Hubby and I are going to have a chance to sit down together and put up our tree. I love doing that, and I love decorating for Christmas. It just makes my house so much more "homey."

That's all for today, must go, quite busy.

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