Happy Thanksgiving - (2003-11-28, 6:26 p.m.)

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Another holiday, come and gone. Time to make a new layout, but I've been working on one for Bettyalready which has turned out...perfect. I also did one for The Template Challenge and I highly encourage you to go vote for your favorite. But I won't tell you which one is mine. :)

This weekend I have to put together a Christmas list. It's mostly of big items that you either can't buy or nobody can afford, but there are some things that I would love--but who knows.

I'm in a designing mood, so I am going to go get busy with that now. Expect some new stuff on my design site.

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Missed These?

Hospital Stay for Dad
Long time, no write
Soul Sucker
What the F*(&^ is Fibromyalgia?