Northern Lights - (2003-11-23, 5:39 p.m.)

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Saturday morning a friend and I went flying to look for Calvin. We were able to cover a lot of ground quickly and see everything as we went about 400 feet up over the river and the creek that are out here, but there was no sign of him.

At this point I don't know that we'll ever find him. It's so hard to admit that to myself, but I have to. All that I can do now is make a couple more phone calls and wait.

It's storming here, not as bad as it is down to the South of us a bit, but we're getting quite a bit of snow. It's making me thankful that I have a warm house, warm kitties and a warm pup as well as a snuggly husband and an electric blanket to keep me warm this winter.

The other night Hubby woke me up and made me come outside with him. The Northern Lights were the brightest that I've ever seen them.

They lit up one whole half of the sky exactly, just...absolutely undescribable. We see the Northern Lights here frequently in the spring and fall, but I've never seen them so bright, so large or so active! It was like watching waves of color cross the sky. We could see them in green, white and blue. They were so bright that you couldn't even see most of the stars that were behind them. I just don't even have the words to describe the wonder and the joy that I felt when watching them. It was like they were alive.

This entry is all mixed up with good and bad, but that's just how my mind is working today. I guess that says something about how I'm feeling lately, right?

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