Where's Calvin? - (2003-11-14, 1:23 p.m.)

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We haven't been able to find Calvin. He disappeared around 4:30 PM on Wednesday, and he's been gone ever since. Hubby has taken the four wheeler out and gone up and down the river, I've posted flyers all around town and been asking people that would see him (rural bus drivers, bartenders that hear everyone talk, people that have lots of hunting dogs, the guy that has husky dogs that he uses for sled dog racing) and nobody seems to have seen him.

My house is so quiet, my heart is just breaking a little more each hour that he's gone.

We have no children, the dogs are like our kids. Daisy mopes around the house and can't seem to get close enough to me, like she's afraid that I'm going to get lost too.

I haven't cried so much since Zeus was hit by a car. My husband was just sobbing last night complaining that "it's not fair because I want to raise a puppy myself and it's like I'm not allowed to!"

Please keep me, my family and Calvin in your prayers. Pray for me and Hubby to have the strength to get through this and pray that Calvin is able to find his way home.

I feel like there's a big hole in my heart, and this pain just has to stop!

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