General Sunday Stuff - (2003-11-09, 12:39 p.m.)

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Not a very busy day today. We've gotten all caught up with stuff at work, so we're just trying to help out with other stuff as much as we can, but someone has to be logged into the phone just in case someone happens to call us, which is unlikely, but go figure.

It's been a busy weekend. Hubby had to go down to meet with a possible sponsor for his paintball team, and from the sounds of it things are going well. Since the tournament series that they are planning on participating in next year is unlimited paint, it could get pretty expensive fast. Paint is the most expensive part of paintball. So sponsorship for that would help out tremendously!

Last night without him at home, it was a sleepover. I woke up in the middle of the night with one dog on each side, both snuggled into me as close as they could be. I was warm and cozy all night, even if I did wake up with a sore back and neck from trying to wrap myself around the dogs all night! I think they just loved it. :)

I got a couple more baby blankets done, and brought one to work today, but she wasn't here. I'll have to give it to her tomorrow.

There's some other stuff going on, but I'm not quite ready to share it yet. I'll have to see how I feel about it if it's confirmed. We'll just say that it has to do with a friend who just got back from Iraq possibly having to go again...

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