Broken Diamonds, Old Friends, Car Crashes and Chicken - (2003-10-28, 6:51 p.m.)

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Wow did I have a day of drama yesterday!

Work was fine as always, but after work is when things got exciting!

I had to go to the local Mall (I hate malls) and get some bras as my last underwire broke that morning. Gotta have underwires when you're a 38 D. Not fun stuff. Anyhow, went in there and they discontinued what I've worn for like 10 years! Oh well, they have a replacement that's actually quite nice, and I broke the first one in today.

I also bought a g-string. Never had one before, thought I would try it out if nothing else but for Hubby. Needless to say he was impressed when I came and showed it to him. Not WEARING it, just showed him the G-string. Anyhow. (Hi Mom!)

On my way out, I stopped by a jeweler and was going to have my rings cleaned. Um, one of the stones on my diamond engagement ring was loose, so I had to leave it there and have them fix it. In the meantime I'm wearing my Grandma's wedding ring on my left hand. Normally I wear it on my right, but...I have to have something on my left hand or I feel funny.

On the way out the doors, I ran into my best friend from when I was little. We lived just across the field from each other, and we would play together all the time. We were best friends until her parents divorced, I think we were about 10, and she had to move away and go to a different school. She's had a pretty tough life, she's on disability, but she looked great! It was exciting to see her, and she's learning to knit. We agreed that we need to have a quiet night at home, either her's or mine, and crochet/knit our little hearts out! She loves animals too, so I'm excited for her to meet my babies.

Finally, on my way home, the scent of jerked Cajun chicken filling my truck and making me just HUNGRY, I witnessed a pretty bad car accident. Everyone was okay, but I stayed and helped them get the vehicles out of the way and was a witness for the police. Just as I was trying to call 911 Hubby called me and interrupted. Dammit. Anyhow, the local police finally showed up after about 1/2 hour of waiting and we got the whole thing taken care of.

Finally I arrived home at 9:30 and got to eat that yummy chicken.

I don't need another day like that.

Went to the chiropractor's today and got my jaw fixed--again--and it hurts like a mofo. So I popped a Tylenol-3 and that's helping, but it still hurts quite badlly.

This has got to stop sometime. I just can't wait until then.

Enough excitement, I'm headed back to the couch.

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