I went Flying! - (2003-08-29, 11:48 a.m.)

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Guess what I got to go do last night?

No, not that, and even if it was that do you think I would tell you? My Mom and Dad read this, for goodness sake!

This is what I got to do. :)

One of my friends has a pilot's license and is trying to get his hours in for his insturment rating. So, he has to keep up a specific number of flight hours per quarter (I think) in order to keep his license and move up to the next level.

I was a little nervous at first as I have never been in a small plane before--the smallest before was just a commuter plane with space for 19. This one has two seats, one in front of the other.

M*** is a wonderful pilot, and I was totally impressed with both the way that he took off, and then when we did touch and gos, his landings were smoother than I've experienced in a big commercial jet! It was the most fun I've had in a long time, and he said that he loves to have the company, and his wife is kind of spooked about flying, so there I go!

We overflew the town where we grew up, and it's amazing to see how big it's grown. It's really spreading out, but of course when you live in the Midwest, why build up when you can build out?

We circled around my house a few times too, I noticed that I had left the living room light on when I left. Whoopsie!

So yes, I'm very enthused about this, and hopefully I'll have the chance to go again soon!


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